Sunday, May 18, 2008

What's That You Say?

For more than 25 years now, we have sought to give golfers as much practical information as possible, coupled with the steps required for implementation, so they will not still be needing to asking the question: "But how do I do that?"

For that same time frame, we have chased down what others have said, and there is a lot of repetition among them, and we still have not found anyone who follows one of those "Here's-what-you-need-to-do" comments with a description of actually how to do it. That appears to be either because their goal is only to "motivate," "inspire," or perhaps because they simply do not know how objectives are actually reached through action (mental or mechanical).

We have tried to be careful not to offend anyone by pointing specifically to what is missing in the words and deeds of our peers, but that is terribly hard to avoid, especially after so many years.

One gets the impression that many think all one needs to do is "Don't worry, be happy," and take a positive path to thinking. Indeed that sounds so good that we are almost ready to shout - "Yeah Man!" But then we awake and wonder "OK, but how does one do that?"

There is not enough room here to detail the whole of it, but the outline is that one needs to master and implement what the automatic principle calls for and get it done through the automatic process.

We have described that, including the actions, both in our books and on our website at

The process is quite simple. It centers in using a clear key as the only tool you need to learn, practice and ultimately play the game at your best level, without anxiety and tension wrecking your train. Of course, you will need to address your "mechanical" game issues, so get some help from a competent instructor - and there are enough to be found that understand and know how to teach within the automatic principle to help you integrate what you need for your game.

If you need help finding someone like that, just let us know.

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